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Basic Gelatin Eggs

Basic Gelatin Eggs

(note: quantities in the instructions section will be automatically updated to the quantities you enter here)

DO NOT USE JELL-O as it's best to avoid dyes and sugars. We recommend Great Value or Knox brand unflavored gelatin.

  1. In a saucepan, sprinkle oz (g) gelatin powder into oz ( cup(s), ml) cold water while stirring.
  2. Let mixture sit at room temperature for 10 minutes. Gelatin should congeal into a solid mass.
  3. Gently heat on low until all the gelatin is dissolved (do not bring to a boil), stirring constantly. Stir gently to reduce foaming.
  4. For the large egg molds: Carefully pour the liquid gelatin through the hole in the top of the fully assembled mold.
    For all other molds: Pour liquid gelatin into the base part of the mold, then slowly press the top down into the base.
  5. Allow to set for several hours in the refrigerator (overnight is better).

Keep them refrigerated in the mold until ready to use. Gelatin eggs will be firmer and easier to use while still cold.

Here's an old video that might help. Please note that the quantities listed in the video are not for any of the molds we currently sell and that you should follow the amounts from this page for our current molds instead:

If your eggs crumble or break, you probably need to use more gelatin. Note that if you bought a box of gelatin packets, 2 packets are probably not 2oz, as most gelatin packets are 1/4 oz.

A vegan egg recipe is available upon request but does not work as well as gelatin.