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This page contains adult content. If you are under the age of 18 (or you do not wish to view adult content), you should not view this page.


Don't worry - we removed the spines for you.
Starting from $80
  • Info

    Introducing "Pedro" the cactus! He's modeled from a San Pedro cactus, and was one of the worst things we could think of that people might want to play with! Now you can enjoy the sumptuous soft silicone bumps and ridges without the ouch! ;)

    Pedro is available in medium firmness, and in the natural color shown.

    This item is sold as a novelty only. We're not responsible for how you choose to use it.
  • FAQ

    1. What are these things made of?
      We use only premium materials; our silicone toys are all phthalate-free, platinum-cure silicone. They are completely body safe.
    2. How should I clean these toys?
      For a quick clean, warm, soapy water will work well. For a complete clean, we recommend submerging the toy in boiling water for several minutes.
    3. How should I store silicone toys?
      Before storing, you can lightly powder your toys with corn starch. This will help to keep them clean and lint-free. Only store platinum silicone toys with toys made from the same quality material, as lesser quality material can react and leach dyes and chemicals. In this case, it is best to wrap your toys in soft cloth to keep them separated.
    4. Do you color match?
      No, unfortunately Pedro is only available in the green/terracotta color shown.
    5. Can you customize the shape of my toy?
      Nope, sorry! Currently, modifications beyond those listed when you configure yours are not possible.
  • Dimensions

    • Total Length: 9³⁄₁₆"
    • Usable Length: 6⁵⁄₈"
    • Shaft Diameter: 2¹¹⁄₁₆"
    • Shaft Circumference: 8³⁄₈"
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